A powerful tool to help you assess and improve your well-being! This web application, built using Express and Node.js, measures your happiness and life satisfaction based on the PERMA model of well-being. With personalized insights, users gain a comprehensive breakdown of their PERMA scores, identifying areas for personal growth and well-being enhancement.Users recieves a personalized note on email that helps them set their targets and improve on specific score so they keep on evolving Key Features: 📊 Happiness Assessment: 📈 Personalized Insights: 🎯 Goal Setting
Email Marketing is an important aspect of promotions of any kind, so here's a email newsletter subscription web app i made using expressjs to get subscribers for my email marketing and newsletters . Using Express JS and Mailchimp's API do use it for your personal project and share you insights with me, Aryan
Ecomerce website where user can view various products with admin dashboard
There are two methods provide different capabilities for sending emails. The first approach allows you to send a single email, while the second approach expands on that by reading email data from a CSV file and sending bulk emails.
This is a basic clone of Inshort that makes use of the Api key.
A mobile application for quran with translation in urdu and English. You can view Quran surah wise and parah wise.
It is a ping pong multiplayer game made with javascript html and css
A project based on data scraping of flipkart.
This is an Online Food Ordering Website that enables users to order food from the comfort of their home.
This is the project that contains html, css and JS code and this is the advance Rock_Paper_Seesor game using DOM_Manipulation.